Terms & Conditions

Xavier's Tennis Academy (XTA) Pty Ltd

Terms & Conditions
1.  Membership

It is a requirement that all students in the coaching program be financial members of the club.

2.  Re-Enrolment

Re-enrolment notification will be provided two weeks prior to the end of the current term. Requests for changes can be made at this time and negotiation if required will follow. Please inform us if you will be continuing or discontinuing at the end of term.

Once enrolled into the coaching program, you have committed to the FULL term. NO withdrawals during the term (except for extenuating circumstances)

3.  Payments

Invoices will be provided before the end of term with full payment for the following term required prior to commencement. Xavier’s Tennis Academy (XTA) Pty Ltd accepts cash, EFTPoS, credit card, bank transfer. Details are on the invoice.

Please provide your ‘Name & Invoice Number’ as a reference when making payments.

If payment has not been received in full by the end of week 2 of term you will not be allowed to take part in your lesson until payment is received and risk the possibility of losing your spot in the program.

4.  Lesson Cancellations

In the case of inclement weather (heat outs, wash outs or excessive wind) or coach absence, make-up lessons will be organised by the Head Coach, who will confirm with you the day and time of the lesson.

If we have not contacted you to organise a make up lesson please contact Rhys on 0498 976 890 before the term ends and he will try and organise the make up for you. Please do not wait until the term has finished as there will be no make ups offered at that point or carried over to the next term.

If you have not heard from us, always assume the lesson is on. You are expected to attend. Please do not call us.

5.  Missed Lessons

If lessons are missed by students for personal reasons (ie. study, camp, illness, social etc) they can be made up where possible by joining into another similar class. Max. of 3 equivalent lessons will be offered.

Early notice MUST be given to your coach, by 9am for Weekdays and by 10pm the night before for Weekends.

STUDENTS need to contact Rhys Xavier to organise this.

These make-up lessons are always subject to availability of places in other classes and while we will be as accommodating as possible, we can never guarantee that these make-ups will be available.

All missed lessons not made up by students will be forfeited – NO credits or refunds will be issued for the next term.

No make ups/credits will be offered for our Leagues unless it was washed out.

6.  Long Term Absence

Credits will only be given for long term absence (greater than 3 weeks) on presentation of a medical certificate.

7. Photography and Filming Consent

I give permission for my/my child’s photographs or videos taken as part of it’s daily program, to be used now or in the future for the purpose of external communications, including advertising and marketing as well as posted on XTA’s Social Media account(s) including Facebook, Instagram and the NHPTC website.

I give permission for photos and/or videos of myself/my child to be used for training, analysis, and athlete/team development purposes by appointed coaches carrying a valid Working with Children Check.

I understand I can withdraw the above consent at any time by advising XTA in writing.